Thoughts & Rants
Welcome to our blog!

Welcome to our blog!

I hate social media.

At least I hate what it has become. We’ve built an anti-social society where we feel obligated to share our disparate lives with one another in the digital realm only. Companies exploit and exacerbate this problem by providing addictive platforms for us to share our curated life stories. Unfortunately the dark side is that every little thing you post is a catalogue of your life, not for your loved ones, but for advertisers.

Your data no longer belongs to you!

Each time you sign up for a “free” service, you give away your valuable data for free.

It is my belief that we should own our data, and only sell it for our benefit when we choose. I don’t want my information to be sold for the profit of tech monopolies. The way I am attempting to be free of the cycle is to limit my social media to this site. I own the computer, manage the website, maintain my network security, and most importantly I control and own the content. You’ll never see pop up’s or advertisements from here, or from our newsletter. What you will find is a long-form collection of our thoughts and adventures.

I have been off of social media for a couple years now, and Liz has been off for a while as well. Facebook has become so toxic, such an unbearable dumpster-fire, that it makes enemies out of former friends. It alienates us, misinforms us, addicts us, sells us, and most importantly it keeps us from connecting on a fundamental human level. The internet feels anonymous, and that is bad for all of us. We are not brave for speaking our minds without consideration for those who might take offense, we are assholes for it.

This blog is our experiment. We don’t want to hide our lives from distant friends or family. We want to share our lives, our projects, and sometimes our opinions with everyone. And we invite you to read it here. If you want to talk about something I have written, call me. Invite us to dinner and have a real discussion. If you disagree with me, then make your arguments more than a quip that fits in a tweet. Or, let me have my opinions, and I will let you have yours.